Jumat, 17 Oktober 2014

27 Benefits of Orgasm in Women for Health

27 Benefits of Orgasm in Women for Health
(Wife must-read!)

Up to now, there is still some thought that the intimate relationship of husband and wife is the only male dominance. The presumption that the judge should not only sexual activity for the sake of her husband.

However, for a happy family who expect quality relationship between the two will assume that the marital relationship is equally important need to maintain their health - each.

As mentioned by the leading women portal Floliving (07/19/12) which confirms that women also need quality of sexual intercourse, at least until the wife having an orgasm.

Here are some of the benefits of orgasm in women according to the publication, among others:

1. The increased circulation to the pelvic cavity

2. The menstrual cycle becomes smooth

3. Improve Fertility

4. Increase the sense fitter

5. Appetite more regularly

6. There was a natural detoxification process

7. Improve the digestive system

8. The mood is more positive

9 Preventing Cancer

10. Increasing levels of estrogen

11. Maintain flexibility of the vaginal tissue

12. Protects against osteoporosis

13. Preventing heart disease

14. Stimulate relaxation

15. Increasing levels of endorphins

16. Clean the inflammation-causing hormones

17. Improve brain function

18. The immune system increases

19. healthier skin

20. Avoid stress

21. Prevent premature aging

22. Establish cells against infection

23. Coping with colds and flu

24. Curing Migraine

25. Treating various types of pain

26. Raising the threshold of pain

27. Increasing levels of the hormone oxytocin

The benefits are so many can not be underestimated. This should be a concern of both parties to create an intimate relationship quality.

Communication is the key critical success of the sexual activity. For wives, stop to pretend - pretending orgasm just to please her husband.

Neither the husband to stop "self-absorbed". Begin to listen to each other to achieve a common goal. To be more harmonious, also healthier inside and out.

For those who are not married, get married immediately if it is eligible.

For husband and wife, start thinking of each other 'give' the best for the couple.

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